2014 Fly In Pancake Breakfast
Once again, Bancroft Flying Club held it's annual Fly In Pancake Breakfast at the Bancroft Community Airport. The weather could have not been better and it showed in the attendance. We had over 60 aircraft fly in and record breaking attendance for breakfast.
W.M. Aeroflight from Peterborough kept their two (2) Cessna 172's flying all day conducting site seeing flights around Bancroft. Member Charles Burkholder had a Mission Aviation Fellowship display and our clubs aircraft maintenance provider, Brian Freymond owner of Freymond Aviation was on hand to handle any aircraft maintenance requests. Following are a few photo's from this years event |
There was a steady stream of people for pancakes with real maple syrup, sausage, juice and coffee.
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources was there with Smokey the Bear and a display promoting the prevention of forest fires.
Following are photos of some of the 60 aircraft that flew in from all parts of Ontario.
(put your curser over the photo to see the model and home base of the aircraft) |